Workforce Expansion and Development

One of HANC’s organizational priorities is to assist its members in enhancing access to quality healthcare in the rural communities they serve by improving the supply and distribution of healthcare professionals throughout the region. to that end, HANC engages in several short to medium term strategies, which include building local and community relationships, collecting regional data, and providing training to members. HANC also actively focuses on longer term healthcare workforce program and training initiatives with academic partners like UCSF and UC Davis, and policy related advocacy with elected officials in support of effective rural workforce policies.

For more information on HANC’s rural healthcare workforce initiatives please check out the HANC Workforce Program Overview below or contact Doreen Bradshaw at:

Workforce Resources:

“Shasta Health Rock Stars program seeks to increase visibility of health career opportunities for area youth and recognize local health care professionals who have devoted their careers to service of Shasta County’s underserved populations. Our region’s strength is not only dependent on the availability of health care services to those who can afford them, but instead is reliant on the quality and affordability of health care services available to all.

“The Healthforce Center at UCSF is the leading source for research insights into the evolving healthcare workforce and for pioneering training programs that empower leaders to navigate change.”

“The Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) improves the health of underserved and vulnerable populations by strengthening the health workforce and connecting skilled professionals to communities in need. BHW prepares a quality, skilled workforce, improves workforce distribution and advances modern healthcare, by focusing on telehealth, rural and underserved populations, and community-based training.”

“The California Future Health Workforce Commission was created to help the state close the gap between the health workforce we have and the workforce we need. The Commission is composed of recognized senior leaders who represent California’s diversity and bring expertise from health, education, employment, labor and government sectors.”

“We are excited to welcome you to the Center for a Diverse Healthcare Workforce at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine. Our mission is to lead research focused on recruiting, training, and retaining a diverse healthcare workforce to advance health equity. Our amazing team of faculty, staff and students are conducting research to enhance diversity in the healthcare workforce and its impact on patients, communities and populations.”

“The California Department of Health Care Access and Information, (HCAI), formerly the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), is committed to expanding equitable access to health care for all Californians—ensuring every community has the health workforce they need, safe and reliable health care facilities, and health information that can help make care more effective and affordable.”